mercredi 14 septembre 2016

How to play games in your smartphone EVEN IF you DON'T have enough space/memory

Hey gals!

Let's be honest on this one. Smartphones sucks!

I don't care If you have the Samsung Galaxy 7 or even the Apple Iphone 7! There will always come a time when you run out of memory space!

What's the solution then?

Html5 games are the way to GO! This language Is used for website creation but also for game making.

Step 1 :
Head over to with your smartphone, you'll find free Flash & Html5 games for free.

Step 2 :
Scroll down until you see something say "Game Tags".

Step 3 :
Click on one of those tags : "html5", "mobile" or "smartphone" They all take to the same page!

Step 4 :
Select a game and click on It, scroll down and click on the fullscreen button.

Step 5 :
Enjoy playing games just like If they were installed!

dimanche 10 juillet 2016


There's an interesting offer about VPS!

Do you want to pay 0.01$ ONLY for a one month VPS?

Click here select your Linux VPS (you can also choose Windows but you will only get 50% off, with Linux you checkout at 0.01$!).

Now, when you setup your VPS you will see Coupon, just write 123123 or tryinterserver.

You will pay 0.01$ for the first month and If you like their servers you will be able to pay the normal price, otherwise you had a free VPS for one month (0.01$ IS FREE!).


Welcome to BestDealsOnline!

Hey and welcome to BestDealsOnline!

I will publish links for cheap and nice deals you can find online!

Gaming, hosting, clothing, everything and anything as long as It's a good deal!

So be sure to check the blog daily as I we will start the journey...SOON!